Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

August 1st and 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss Haiti International®

Daniella Lamour

People's Choice Award

1.What is 1 beauty product you cannot live without?
“It’s not who’s going to let me, it’s who’s going to stop me.” - Ayn Rand. As a High school student, this quote spoke volumes. It served as a reminder that I can manifest my destiny, despite what my circumstances may be. I learned to embrace my failures equally as my successes- as they produce the resiliency and determination needed to surpass my end goals.

2.If you had to do over anything what would it be?
My main pet peeve is hearing individuals say they can’t do something. Anything is possible once you believe it, envision a path for its execution, remain determined and ultimately see it through. I aim to equip my community with this mindset through mentoring and thus, teaching them how to transform their cannot into cans.

3.Who would you love to meet and why?
Thank God for my calendar, reminder apps, and my amazing team. I find it tough at times to balance being an emergency physician, a mentor to over 20 people, and Miss Haiti but thankfully I have a great team and of course my iPhone that makes it all possible!

4.Favorite vacation?
Despite my demanding schedule, I ensure I make time to rest, relax and reset. I travel monthly, rest plenty, and attend various social events. I am very well rounded and schedule my days accordingly, in order to be the best version of myself and thus position myself to pour out the best of me and not simply what is left of me.

5.What do you normally eat for breakfast?
By God’s grace, I am currently in my dream job. I had a vision of making a difference in the medical field at a very young age and through His help, I’ve been able to become a successful emergency physician, a leader in my community and a mentor to the next generation of future physicians.